Welcome to NetShop on-line help.
This page is designed to be a quick reference to the NetShop program. Remember this is only a prototype - certain features are disabled, but will obviously be enabled in the full version!

1. Buying goods

Along the top of the NetShop screen, is a list of product areas. Click on one of these to access a list of products availble in the corresponding area.

When the list of products appears, find the item(s) required, and enter the quntity required in the text box alongside. After you have entered quantities for each of the required items, click the "Add to basket" button at the bottom of the page. If the "Add to basket" button is not clicked, the goods are NOT purchased.

Repeat the above procedure for each product area.

2. Checking what you have bought

To check what items you have bought, click the "Check Basket" button on the left hand menu. This will display what items you have chosen to buy. Should you wish to remove any of them from your basket, highlight the item in the list view, and click the "Remove from basket" button.

3. Checking out

To check out, and complete your purchases, click the checkout button on the left hand menu. You will be shown the checkout screen.
Enter your card number and expiry date in the relevant fields, followed by your name, phone number and delivery address.
Click the "Send Order" button to send us your order. If the "Send Order" button is not clicked, the order will NOT be sent

4. Special offers

To see what items are on special offer for the current week, click on the current specials button on the left hand menu. This will the display all special offers.