People who follow the "M1 - The South"signs to go home seem to find that northern people, (and Yorkshirefolk in particular) speak in some strange language. Well you'd be right. It's so we can take the michael without you understanding what we're saying.

But, for the benefit of our southern readers, I will translate some of the more popular Yorkshire expressions into southern speak. (Geez, the things I do for you!)

Tintintin translates to It is not in the tin
Whajamacalit? translates to What do you call it?
Geoffrey Boycott translates to A fine example of a Yorkshire sporting hero
Tha just spilt me pint translates to You have just knocked my drink over, good fellow!
Does tha wanna smack? translates to Would Sir care for a bout of the old fisticuffs?
Reyt thee, aaghtside! translates to Would you be so kind as to walk through the exit?
Wheers tha bin? translates to Which establishment has had the pleasure of your presence today?
What in the name of chuffin hell, has tha done that for? translates to Would you please justify your actions?
Tha's done it naah! translates to You have overstepped the mark, gentle person!

Ah cheers for that Rich...