Chris's Jumper

Chris discovered his jumper had a loose strand of wool, so he starting to unravel it. He ended up sending Will on a tour of London, continually unravelling his jumper, so Chris ended up doing the rest of the show, only wearing half a jumper!

The slot where Cedric passes a topical view on the world.

Will's Temper

Apparently Will has a long fuse, but when he blows, he really blows. So to illustrate this Chris got a long fuse, and trailed it out of the window, into a large cake. The fuse was lit, and shortly after, the cake exploded. What a mess!

Mr. Broadbent cures ill animals - without any qualifications!

The Purple Haired Cuckoo

An ickle wooden woodpecker, who slides down a pole, whilst pecking away. Chris and Will both have one, and once spent ages in one show racing them!

The Wooden Bird Song

He's a wooden bird, with purple hair
He's stuck to the pole, so he can't go no-where
He's a wooden bird, with lots of style
When he bangs his beak he makes you want to smile!
Duh - duh - duh!

The spot for people with freaky talents (usally able to contort their bodies in some strange manner, the best one EVER, being the guy who could turn his stomach into an elephant!) to show themselves to the nation!

Fat Lookalikes

People who are fat, who look like famous people.

Slot where Chris reads out viewers letters.

The It's Your Letters Song

It's your letters, It's your letters.
It's your letters, It's your let-ters!

Ugly Bloke

Showcase for the uglier side of the male population. Started off as a joke, with Del, an actor, playing the first ugly bloke, but soon got people writing in to appear, so it became a regular feature.

The Ugly Bloke Song

Ugly blokes, ugly blokes, now we salute them,
This isn't a joke, cus everybody loves them
One day you'll know I just hope to be, an ugly bloke!

The slot where the country's hard workers are asked to remove their maseev heeds, and show us their faces.

The It's Your Letters Chart

The world's top "It's Your Letters" songs.

Baby Left Baby Right. Which way will the baby go? To the left, or to the right?

Will Pub Genius

Slot where Will shows us some little tricks which we can use to impress our mates down the pub.

Wig. Not wig?

The use of a very large (not ickle!) fan, to determine whether people are wearing wigs. (Or not!)

Big performance, Small stage

A little raised corner in Chris's dressing room, on which the cast of shows, musicals and bands perform their big production on this, the worlds smallest stage!

The TFI Features

Now in my opinion, it's the features that make the show as great as it is. Here are some of the best ones.





































Mirror Bowling

The use of ten pin bowling balls to smash mirrors on Friday the 13th. The reason? "Friday the 13th, you don't scare us"




Will Girls

Women who look like Wiiiiiiiiillllll!





Livening Up Dull TV

Ways to liven up dull TV shows, like snooker, with comedy sound effects on the balls, or Right to Reply, with naked trampolining women in the background.




The slot where the team remove their clothes to celebrate the weekend.